13th Biennial of Havana, The Construction of the Possible

Havana, Cuba
April 12—May 12, 2019 

download curatorial statement [PDF]

The 13th Biennial of Havana aims at encouraging interaction between creators, curators, experts and institutions in a wide range of works that would contribute to alternatives for sustainability without disregarding the propositional nature every artwork or project contains in itself.

Art would point to new collective reasoning that would provide, departing from a confrontation between various creative and circulation models, a greater approach and exchange between audiences, places, and levels of experience. These practices, though focused on the present, would hint notions of the future which, at least at the poetic or symbolic levels would address some of the needs for social transformation.

As guest curator and adviser I announce the participation of relevant international artists in the Biennial. This happens due to their engagement and significant supporters and partners.

RAVI AGARWAL – Center Luz y Oficio
REENA KALLAT – Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales
CLEMENS KRAUSS – Centro Wifredo Lam
RYAN MENDOZA – Casa Bolivar
FABIA MENDOZA – Casa Bolivar
SUN XUN – Center Luz y Oficio

13th Biennial of Havana, The Construction of the Possible [visit website]
Havana, Cuba
April 12—May 12, 2019