ASIANART > Hanayo, Helen Cho, Yoon Lee, Yudi Noor, Yuka Oyama, Yukihiro Taguchi

INK – In Neuem Kontext is a special project curated together with Shaheen Merali and Carson Chan as an extension of the participation of the New-York-based Asian artists presented in Performance und Filmprogram Shangri-La im Haus der Kulturen der Welt. INK presents emerging Asian artists based in Berlin, who will deal with the special architecture and history of the St. Johannes Evangelist Church though their performances, installations and workshops with the local community. At a first glance one could get the impression that underlying INK is the myth of a homogenuous Asia. The result is an intensive approach with the different Asian cultures and tendencies. The participating artists are Yuka Oyama, Yukihiro Taguchi, Helen Cho, Yoon Lee, Yudi Noor and Hanayo.

St. Johannes-Evangelist-Kirche
Auguststrasse 90, 10117 Berlin
Tuesday – Friday 12-7pm, Saturday 12-10pm, Sunday 12-6pm
Exhibition Period: September 9-22, Opening September 9, 4pm
Performances: September 15th and September 22nd, 9pm

This project is kindly supported by Haus der Kulturen der Welt.