ASIANART > Kyungwoo Chun, Tatsumi Orimoto, Takafumi Hara, YuJin Kang

Kyungwoo Chun images are characterised by a close relation between artist and the protagonists depicted. Chun represents them by extending the exposure time, while he himself directs the scene. This procedure is repeated in performances, videos or photographs. In the exhibition “Silence is Movement” he presents the series “Believing is Seeing”, where the viewer is confronted with blurred features, especially the eye areas seem abstract. By these means, the depiction gains a peculiar kind of lightness and alienation. In this series, Chun purposefully portrayed only young people who are blind. The series “Versus” presents a double portrait as investigation of human relationships.

Tatsumi Orimoto subjects are old age, illness and the bodily and mental decline of his mother, who became the main subject of his artistic work since he is devoted to take care of her in a full time engagement. He places her in different environments and compositions creating a new meaning for her life. The scenes are surrounded by normal daily activities accompanied by a delicate character of irony transformed by absurd details and activities added to the context. Through these works he creates an unusual communication with the viewer expositing private images of his own existence.

Takafumi Hara‘s drawings are the result of an investigation done by the artist in order to rescue the individual and collective memories. They assume a narrative content crowded by fantastic and surreal protagonists distributed in single scenes connected by the whole composition. They end up similar to comics’ compositions as a link to the manga style as a Japanese tradition known all over the world. He collects his inspiration through the direct contact and interview with members of different communities and contexts exploring their inheritance and perspective.

YuJin Kang‘s landscapes are precise environments composed by different elements of the international contemporary metropolis. She makes use of an instigate perspective inducing the viewer to have an approach with architectonical elements followed by organic ornaments.

Artist Talk with Dr. Stephan Berg, director of Kunstverein Hannover on September 7th, at 4 p.m.

DNA [visit website]
Auguststr. 20, 10117 Berlin, tel. 030 2859 9652
Tuesday – Friday 2-7pm, Saturday 11am-7pm
Exhibition period: August 16 – September 22