Tatsumi Orimoto‘s pictures are closely related to his performances, in which he faces up to the everyday life, the aging and questions related to social communication. The solo exhibition in C/O Berlin shows two different series of photographic works based on his “Bread Man” performances, in which he communicates with people on streets everywhere in the world with numerous loafs of bread bound around his head. At the opening of the exhibition Tatsumi Orimoto presents a performance, which will start in the St. Johannes Evangelist Church in the Auguststrasse and end at C/O Berlin.
C/O Berlin [visit website]
Postfuhramt Oranienburger Str./Tucholskystr., 10117 Berlin, tel.: 030 28091925
daily 11am-8pm
Exhibition period: September 10-23
Opening September 9th at 6pm with a live performance by Tatsumi Orimoto