CCBB Rio de Janeiro, September 1—November 22, 2021
CCBB São Paulo, December 15, 2021—March 7, 2022
CCBB Brasilia, April 5—June 5, 2022
CCBB Belo Horizonte, July 29—September 19, 202
download press release [english] [portuguese]
download exhibition catalogue [PDF]
Complete list of artists Adriana Varejão, Alex Flemming, André Azevedo, Anna Bella Geiger, Armarinhos Teixeira, Arnaldo Antunes, Augusto de Campos/Júlio Plaza, Barrão, Berna Reale, Beatriz Milhazes, Camila Soato, Caetano Dias, Cildo Meireles, Daiara Tukano, Daniel Lie, Delson Uchôa, Ernesto Neto, Emmanuel Nassar, Fábio Baroli, Farnese de Andrade, Flávio Cerqueira, Floriano Romano, Francisco de Almeida, Ge Viana, Glauco Rodrigues, Gisele Camargo, Jaider Esbell, Joaquim Paiva, Jorge Bodanzky, José De Quadros, José Rufino, Judith Lauand, Júlio Plaza, Lenora de Barros, Lina Bo Bardi, Lúcio Costa, Luiz Hermano, Luzia Simons, Márcia Xavier, Marlene Almeida, Maxwell Alexandre, Mira Schendel, Nelson Leirner, Oscar Niemeyer, Paulo Nazareth, Rejane Cantoni, Rodrigo Braga, Rosana Paulino, Rosilene Luduvico, Shirley Paes Leme e Tunga.
Celebrating the centenary of the Modern Art Week of 1922 and shedding light on the traces, remnants and achievements that the movement brought about, in the last 100 years, to Brazil´s fine arts, and reflect, from the present time, about the process of reviewing and repairing this context. This is the objective of Postmodernism Brazilianness, exhibition that will be presented between September 1st and November 22nd at the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center of Rio de Janeiro, sponsored by Banco do Brasil and executed through the Federal Law of Cultural Incentive, from the Special Secretariat of Culture of the Ministry of Tourism and Federal Government.
Curated by Tereza de Arruda, the exhibition draws attention to diverse characteristics of present Brazilian contemporary art whose existence is owed, in part, to the legacy of the cultural artistic boldness proposed by Modernism Nuances that the public will be able to check in the works of 51 artists from different generations that compose the body of this exhibition, including Adriana Varejão, Anna Bella Geiger, Arnaldo Antunes, Cildo Meireles, Daniel Lie, Ernesto Neto, Ge Viana, Jaider Esbell, Rosana Paulino and Tunga.
“This exhibition is not idealized with a historical view, but focused on the present with works produced since the mid-1960s until today, some never before seen, that is, already with historical distancing from the beginnings of Brazilian modernity”, explains Tereza de Arruda. “It’s not an exhibition elaborated as a final stop, but as a starting point, just as the Modern Art Week of 1922 was for an innovative discussion to meet the demands of our time aware of the future course guided by protagonist creators”, completes the curator.
Organized in six themed cores:
Freedom; Future; Identity; Nature; Aesthetic and Poetry
the exhibition presents paintings, photographs, drawings, sculptures, installations and new mediums. According to Tereza de Arruda, by means of the plural set of worlds, “Brazilianness shows itself diverse and miscegenated, regional and cosmopolitan, popular and erudite, folcloric and urban”.
In order to approach even more the public to the Week of 22, along the period of the exhibition, a series of free activities will be developed in the Living Space of the CCBB Educational Program – Art and Education conducted by educators from the JA.CA. center of art and technology. There will also be a webapp with a set of comprehensive content of the exhibition, guaranteeing accessibility to all.
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil – CCBB Rio de Janeiro [visit website]
R. Primeiro de Março, 66 – Centro, Rio de Janeiro
Exhibition period: September 1—November 22, 2021
CCBB São Paulo, December 15, 2021—March 7, 2022
CCBB Brasilia, April 5—June 5, 2022
CCBB Belo Horizonte, July 29—September 19, 2022