Schloss Sacrow, Potsdam
July 19 — Oct 4, 2015
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with: Marlene Almeida, Cristina Barroso, Kátia Canton, Lucas Foletto Celinski, Erica Ferrari, Alex Flemming, Pedro Fredo, José Gomes, Lina Kim, James Kudo, Shirley Paes Leme, Ícaro Lira, Rosilene Luduvico, César Meneghetti, Nazareno, Paulo Nazareth, Letícia Parente, Eliane Paulino, Sidney Philocreon, José De Quadros, Berna Reale, José Rufino, Josias Scharf, Luzia Simons, Lisa Simpson, and Fernando Vilela, among others.
25 years of German reunification – 30 years post-dictatorship in Brazil
Since its so-called “discovery” in the 15th century, the Latin-American continent has continuously drawn the attention of researchers, travellers and artists from Europe. The “New World” was starving for information. Over time, a fascinating melting pot of cultures and races has evolved out of the ethnographic mixing of Europeans, Africans and indigenous peoples in their historical roles as conquistadores, the enslaved and the converted. A variety of symposia and exhibits on the topic were organized in 1999 on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Alexander von Humboldt’s voyage to Latin-America.
InterAKTION is dedicated to Brazilian artists. A number of Brazilian artists have lived, worked, and had exhibits of their work in Germany throughout the last century. A historical cultural exchange between Brazil and the young German republic of that time has existed since the inception of the Bienal de São Paulo in 1951. Inspired by the Biennale di Venezia, Franzisco Matarazzo Sobrinho, an industrialist of Italian descent founded the Bienial de São Paolo to encourage an exchange between Brazilian art and the best of the fine art world abroad. Brazil participated in the Venice Biennial by building its own pavilion in 1952.
During the military dictatorship in Brazil, from the 1960s on, cultural exchange suffered under strict censorship. Artists had to wait until 1978 for a renewed political and cultural openness. In 2006 Brazil presented an interdisciplinary programme within the framework of the “Copa de Cultura” in Berlin’s House of World Cultures (Haus der Kulturen der Welt). In 2013 Brazil was the host country at the Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurter Buchmesse). During the “Deutschland + Brasilien 2013-2014” year, the exhibition “A Arte que Permanece” was exhibited in museums of Brasília and Rio de Janeiro. It showcased 103 works of art by 40 artists from the private collection of Francisco Chagas Freitas. Freitas began collecting art in Germany between 1984 and 1991 during his time in the Cultural Relations Section of the Brazilian Embassy in East-Berlin. His collection now houses over 1,000 works of art.
InterAKTION will display pieces in a variety of different media that reflect the political debate of the last decades. The pieces are not necessarily political or bold, but are alive with irony, an aesthetic sense, and a critical eye. At times the narrative is explicit, at times it is hidden in the artistic position of the protagonists. The artists live in Brazil and Germany. The group is multi-generational and represents a broad spectrum of Brazilian culture.
Kuratorin: Tereza de Arruda
Schloss Sacrow [visit website]
Krampnitzer Strasse 33, 14469 Potsdam-Sacrow
Exhibition period: July 19 — Oct 4, 2015
related press
interAKTION – Brasilien in Sacrow, von Michael Nungesser
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brazilian websites / artist websites: