Fototeca de Cuba
November 1—31, 2017
Curator: Tereza de Arruda
Realization: Galerie Till Breckner
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“Anyone who isn’t caught up in formal prejudices knows that truth can be silenced in many ways and must be said in many ways.”
Bertolt Brecht, Volkstümlichkeit und Realismus [Popularity and Realism], 1938
The works of Katharina Sieverding being exhibited have to do with the penetration of all that is superficially visible, that is presented and staged with an eye to impact and result, by that which originates from factuality, from gesture and habit, and that, thanks to truth, cannot be denied. The exposing, layering, penetrating and dissecting of the images, whether states of the same or illustrations of the theme, result in the continuous production of ever new interfaces, and thus a complexity that reveals the interlocking of moments and the contingency of reactions. In this way Katharina Sieverding overcomes the chronological restraint (one-dimensionality) of the medium of photography. It is not a single point in the image (Roland Barthes) that seduces one to contemplation, but transtemporal interweaving.
—Stefan Skowron
Fototeca de Cuba
Mercaderes 307, Plaza Vieja, Habana Vieja, La Habana, Cuba
Exhibition period: November 1—31, 2017