Casa Guayasamin
November 1—31, 2017
Curator: Tereza de Arruda
Realization: Galerie Till Breckner
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Mettig’s images are stills of societies that are permanently in motion in the capitalist currents that flow through them. In these built-up areas, upheavals are normality and consistency becomes an expression of a lack of flexibility. None of the images is perfect, and it is precisely this aspect that makes them prototypical for the split-second-long documentation of globalisation. This is because the one photography is no longer practicable in the hectic flurry of turbo capitalism. The stasis required for this perfect image can no longer be established. However, all the images that grow obsolete in the moment they are recorded, because everything in life keeps rushing on, are in their impermanence symbolic of life in the ephemeral capitalism, under which today is already the yesterday of tomorrow.
—Thomas Hummitzsch, Vom Kapitalismus “geküsst” [Kissed by capitalism], intellectures, 12 February 2011
Casa Guayasamin
Obrapía 111, Habana Vieja, La Habana, Cuba
Exhibition period: November 1—31, 2017