MUBE, Sao Paulo, December 1, 2011 – January 8, 2012
Maix Mayer’s works deal with models of fiction and reality, mostly in context with media/art and architecture. His exhibitions often resemble arrangements for experiments on the perception of time and space.
His recent body of works, which will be on show on the exhibition RAUMPATROUILLE at MUBE are based on a two year study about the 4th annex of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Leipzig that has been realized by the architect Gabriele Glöckler and was inaugruated in 2011.
Maix Mayer has documented the building in numerous photographs and a video-installation of five parts, which shows the different rooms of the Nationalbibliothek, such as study halls, depots, museum area and work spaces before the initial opening of the new building. The fifth part is the film “Telelift” which shows the book storage from the point of view of a book on its way from the depot up to the handing out to the reader, depicting the inner logic of the building’s functions and the hidden infrastructure. The film is a sort of cartography of the library spaces that are invisible to the reader and at the same time a real and imaginary travel, a “Roadmovie” through the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.
In addition to the films, Maix Mayer has created a photo-wallpaper which is generated out of a pattern of time and space created by the means of approx.7.000 photographs of the library building. This pattern can be seen as an alternative draft to a publication about the library which states the point of view of the architect and commissioner by showing only a selection of images taken of the building.
MuBE – Museu Brasileiro da Escultura [visit website]
Avenida Europa, 218, São Paulo, Brazil
Exhibition Period: December 1, 2011 – January 8, 2012