Marlene Almeida: Histórias da Terra (Stories of the Earth)

Galeria Marco Zero
Opening: May 16, 2024

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The exhibition Histórias da Terra (Stories of the Earth) by Marlene Almeida at Galeria Marco Zero, with new works, highlights not only the history of the Earth as a planet, of the Earth as materiality, but above all the history of life, research, search, collection and preparation of natural elements that have been predominant in Marlene Almeida’s artistic production for over fifty years. The artist has a long career dedicated to contemporary Brazilian art, considering that the Earth – materiality, physical space and personal references – is a cultural asset impregnated with traditions, symbologies, differences and regionalisms.

Marlene Almeida’s paintings, seen up close, allude to abstract compositions full of overlapping pictorial fields made up of organic structures. These are formed by the incisive use of earth as the original materiality, forming a crust that delimits the surfaces of the archaeological fields transposed onto the canvas. The works are all landscapes experienced during expeditions. The journey undertaken is not solely depicted in the form of paintings on canvas. The suspended sculptures, like mobiles made up of malleable and pictorial tentacles, represent forms of nature, like a mountainous belt referencing the Brazilian terrain explored during the research trips.

Marlene Almeida – Histórias da Terra
Galeria Marco Zero
Avenida Domingos Ferreira, 3393, Boa Viagem, Recife – PE
Opening: May 16, 2024