Tereza de Arruda


Tereza de Arruda is an art historian working as a freelance curator. She studied art history in Berlin where she lives since 1989. She was born in 1965 in São Paulo, Brazil.

© Pedro Fredo

Curator of the exhibitions:

2025: UNANGEBRACHT 35. Landesweite Kunstschau des BBK M-V, Kunsthalle Rostock, Dokumentations- und Gedenkstätte Rostock; UNANGEBRACHT Book Launch, Kunsthalle Rostock; Layers of Being: Image and Soul – Hu Shunxiang, Chen Hongzhi, and Clemens Kraus, Leo Gallery, Shanghai.

2024: Elizabet Cerviño performance, Kunsthalle Rostock; Veronika Kellndorfer Wild Windows Book Launch, Instituto Bardi São Paulo/Chipperfield Kantine Berlin; Olaf Heine, Rwandan Daughters, Kunsthalle Rostock; Clemens Krauss, Von nun an / From now on, Kunsthalle Rostock; Clemens Krauss ANTIDOT Book Launch Kunsthalle Rostock/Haus am Lützowplatz Berlin;   Intercultural Systems: Karl-Heinz Adler and Li Di in Dialogue, Leo Gallery Shanghai;  Marlene Almeida: Histórias da Terra (Stories of the Earth), Galeria Marco Zero, Recife;  Francisco de Almeida – Der Vulkan in meiner Brust brach aus & Gäste lya & Emilia Kabakov, Markus Lörwald, Kiki Smith und Hirosuke Yabe, Brasilianische Botschaft in Berlin; Lina Bo Bardi: Die Poesie des Betons / The Poetry of Concrete, Tchoban Foundation, Museum für Architekturzeichnung, Berlin; Alex Flemming 70 Anos, MON Museu Oscar Niemeyer, Curitiba; ROOTED Female Brazilian Artists, Brainlab, München; Overcoming Gravity – Lina Bo Bardi/Veronika Kellndorfer, Techne Sphere, Leipzig; 28° Salão Anapolino de Arte, Jury and Awards, Anápolis.

2023: Sergei Tchoban: Tempo Espelhado/Mirroring Time, MAC USP São Paulo; José De Quadros: Eu sou sua comida saltitante, Biblioteca Mário de Andrade São Paulo; Marcelo Solá: Do brutalismo urbano à vertigem do olhar, Biblioteca Mário de Andrade, São Paulo; Francisco de Almeida: O vulcão do meu peito explodiu, Biblioteca Mário de Andrade, São Paulo; On water & Plants – 20 Artistic Positions on Sustainability, Troy House Art Foundation, London; Brazilian Ceramic Art, 2° Jingdezhen International Ceramic Art Biennial, Jingdezhen; REVIEW Havanna Biennial in Review Ostsee Biennial, Kunsthalle Rostock, Rostock.

2022: Brasilidade Pós-Modernismo, CCBB Brasilia, CCBB Belo Horizonte; José De Quadros: São Paulo, sua, nossa Pauliceia Desvairada, Galeria Arte 132 São Paulo; Emmanuel Bornstein: Wildwechsel, Kunsthalle Rostock; Francisco de Almeida Jardim dos Anjos, Espaço Cultural Unifor/Fortaleza; Über Wasser & Pflanzen – 20 zeitgenössische Positionen über Nachhaltigkeit, Kunsthalle Rostock

2021: Clemens Krauss, Depot, Kunsthalle Rostock; Brasilidade Pós-Modernismo, CCBB Rio de Janeiro, CCBB São Paulo; Kunst & Hallen. Kunstsinn über Mauern hinweg (Art & Halls. A Sense for art beyond walls), Stiftung Reinbeckhallen Berlin; Sergei Tchoban: Futuristische Utopie oder Realität (Futuristic Utopia or Reality), Kunsthalle Rostock; Rausch der Bilder. Die Sammlung Chagas Freitas – Kunst aus der DDR und ihre Reise nach Brasilien, Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum/Cottbus.

2020: Chiharu Shiota, Lifelines, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil – São Paulo; Leonardo Kossoy, Mergulhador, Fototeca de Cuba – Havanna

2019:  Luzia Simons, Stockage, Museum at the University of Electronics Science and Technology of china in Chengdu; Wang Chengyun, Residency Program, Reinbeckhallen Berlin; Chiharu Shiota, Internal Line, Japan House São Paulo; Chiharu Shiota, Lifelines, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil – São Paulo; Sabine Moritz, Sterne und Granit, Kunsthalle Rostock; Abetz & Drescher, Place called love, Kunsthalle Rostock; 14th Curitiba Biennial, Open Borders, Curitiba Brazil; 13th Biennial of Havanna, The Construction of the Possible, Havana; 50 years of realism – From photorealism to virtual reality, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil – Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro.

2018: 50 years of realism – From photorealism to virtual reality, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil – São Paulo,Otro Amanecer en el tropico, Reinbeckhallen Berlin; Leonardo Kossoy, Mergulhador, Bienal de curitiba;  Ilya und Emilia Kabakov, Two Times, Kunsthalle Rostock; José De Quadros, A Beleza do Inusitado, SESC Santo André; Between Exploration and Revelation – Luzia Simons; Luo Fahui, Sanya Museum of Contemporary Art; Clemens Krauss, Transverse Materialism, Fototeca de Cuba. 

2017: Jin Lie, What is past, is still present, Museum of Contemporary Art Chengdu, Chengdu; Sigmar Polke, Die Editionen, me collectors Room Berlin; César Meneghetti, O Percurso Ausente, MUBA, São Paulo.

2016: In your heart | In your city, Køs Denmark; Clemens Krauss, Little Emperors, MOCA – Museum of Contemporary Art Chengdu; Kuba Libre, Kunsthalle Rostock.

2015: Bill Viola, Three Women, International Biennial of Curitiba; Veronika Kellndorfer, cinematic Framing, Casa de Vidro, São Paulo; Chiharu Shiota, Searching for Destination, SESC Pinheiros, São Paulo; InterAktion – Brasilien in Sacrow, Castelo Sacrow/Potsdam.

2014: A Arte que Permanece: Acervo Chagas Freitas, Museu dos Correios in Brasília and Centro Cultural Correios Rio de Janeiro; ChinaArte Brasil, Oca Museu da Cidade, São Paulo; Wang Qingsong: Follow me! Køs Museum for Kunst, Copenhaguen; Nina Fischer/ Maroan el Sani The Memory of Concrete, Museu de Arte Moderna Recife.

2013: Exemplos a seguir! Expedições em Estética e Sustentabilidad, Memorial da América Latina São Paulo; Isabelle Borges Arrow of Time, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, Curator´s Choice, Pippy Houldsworth Gallery London.

2012/2011 Maix Mayer Raumpatrouille, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura; Sigmar Polke – Realismo Capitalista e outras histórias ilustradas, Museu de Arte de São Paulo; INDIA SIDE BY SIDE, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil no Rio de Janeiro, SESC Belenzinho and Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil in Brasília. Clemens Krauss: CLEMENS, Museu de Arte Moderna de Recife MAMAM Pátio.

2010: Wang Chengyun, Today Art Museum Peking; José De Quadros sobreVIVER SESC Pompéia; If not in this period of time: Contemporary German Paintings 1989-2010, Museu de Arte de São Paulo.

2009: Yang Shaobin: First Steps-Last Words, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, co-curated 5º Vento Sul Biennial in Curitiba, Brazil; Rosilene Luduvico: The Nameless Place at Museu Vale do Rio Doce in Vila Velha, Brazil; The Big World: Recent Art from China, Chicago Cultural Center with Gregory Knight; Asian Participation at the Havana Biennial. 

2008: China – Construção/Desconstrução, Museu de Arte de São Paulo; Clemens Krauss – Aufwand/Display and Takafumi – Signs of Memory, Mostra SESC in Sao Paulo; Alex Flemming – In Memorian Galileo Galilei, St. Johannes Kirche in Berlin and at Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro; Tatsumi Orimoto – Retrospective at the Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo as part of the Celebration of the Centenary of the Japanese Immigration to Brazil.

2007: ASIANART – Asian Art in Berlin Mitte in context of Asian-Pacific-Weeks, a series of four exhibitions in different galleries and institutions simultaneously including works from 18 Asians artists; Visões Berlinenses at Paço das Artes in Sao Paulo; co-curator of the exhibition INK – In Neuen Kontext with Carson Chan and Shaheen Merali presenting emerging Asian artists based in Berlin.

2006: Brasil Berlin a show presenting contemporary Brasilian art in six galleries in Berlin Mitte as part of the “Copa da Cultura”. In this context she also coordinated the exhibition “The image of Sound” in the Saint Elisabeth church, as well as the exhibition “Interventions and Tropicária”, all of them in partnership with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin; “Transterritorial Generation” in Paço das Artes- São Paulo in partnership with the art college for medias in Cologne, and coordinated the exhibition “Interconnect@ between attention and immersion” in the ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe; host of the Sérgio Motta Award at the Transmediale Festival in participation of Ottjörg A.C. and Cameron Rudd at the Havana Biennial.

2006/2005: co-curated the international performance program “Verbo” in the Galeria Vermelho, Sao Paulo.

2005: “Flying Carpets” of Alex Flemming in the Chicago Cultural Centre, “Stockage” of Luzia Simons as a part of the Istanbul Biennial, as well as the program “Listening Out” together with Johann Nowak as a part of the Transmediale.

2004: she coordinated the official Greek contribution of Harris Kondosphyris, Sao Paulo Biennial.

2003: “Curator’s Choice” on the Art Frankfurt.

2002: she undertook the coordination of the contribution of Cildo Meireles on the Documenta 11.

She has collaborated with the Havana Biennial since 1997 and was co-curator of the International Biennial of Curitiba in 2009, 2013 and 2015.

She has been developing various projects with the following international partners:

In Germany:
Kunsthalle Rostock, Stiftung Reinbeckhallen, me Collectors Room, Deutsche Fotographische Akademie, Auswärtiges Amt, Stiftung Schloss Sacrow, Documenta11, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Art Frankfurt, Auswärtiges Amt, Art Forum Berlin, Goethe Institut – Inter Nationes, Kunstwerke, Schering Foundation, Artiade 2004, Norwegian Embassy, Kunsthalle Berlin, Künstlerhof Lietzen, Kunsthaus Schuster, Kunsthaus Raskolnikow,  Freie Kunstschule Berlin, Karl Hofer Gesellschaft, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, IFA Galerie, Brazilian Embassy, Brazilian Culture Institut in Germany, Galerie Barsikow, Latein Amerika Forum, Deutsche Brasilianische Gesellschaft, Ludwig Forum Aachen, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Galerie Drei-Dresden, Galerie in Turm-Berlin, Galerie weisser elefant Berlin, and others.

In Brazil:
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, SESC-São Paulo, Japan House São Paulo, Oca Parque do Ibirapuera-SP, Museu Oscar Niemeyer-Curitiba, Bienal International de Curitiba, Casa de Vidro Lina Bo Bardi, Museu Nacional da República-Brasília, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, MUBE – Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, Goethe Institut, British Council, Paço das Artes, Instituto Sérgio Motta, Instituto Cultural Itaú, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura-SP, Museu de Arte Contemporânea-Olinda, Museu de Arte Sacra-Belém, Centro de Artes Visuais Tambiá-PB, Centro Cultural São Francisco-PB, Projeto de Intervenção Urbana Arte Cidade, Projeto de Intercâmbio Cultural Linha imaginária, Festival de Inverno de Diamantina, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Universidade Federal de Vitória, Universidade Mackenzie.

In Great Britain:
British Council, Welsh Art International, Art and Business, Visiting Artists, TactileBosch, Studio Cardiff, Chapter Cardiff, Bayart Gallery Cardiff, and others.

In Norway:
Office of Contemporary Art, Galerie Uffizzi, Baerum Commune.

In Cuba:
Centro Wifredo Lam, Fototeca de Cuba, Casa de las Americas, Galeria Guayasamin, Taller de Grabado, Universidad de San Alejandro.

In China:
MOCA Chengdu, MOCA Shenzhen, MOCA Sanya, Today Art Museum Beijing, Museum University of Science and Technology UESTC – Chengdu.

She has conducted research on the international art scene and developments in Beijing, Seoul, Gwangju, Mexiko, Miami, New York, Chicago,  Athen, London, Bristol, Cardiff, Oxford, Amsterdam, Milan, Rome, Lisboa. She attended considerable international exhibitions like Biennals in Venice, Havanna, Istanbul, Liverpool, Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre, Gwangju as a representative of the international press. She has also implemented researches in the commercial domain with continuous attendances on art fairs like Arco in Madrid, Miami/Basel in Miami, Art Basel, Artforum Berlin, Artcologne, ArtFrankfurt, Frieze in London, and others.

As an art critic she has written different articles for catalogues, as well as for specialized press.